Wednesday, October 8

Thoughtful Friday....

Thoughtful Friday

The childhood shows the man...
As morning shows the day.~John Milton
(though I think that the quote is a little weird to say at first, ... it fits. Corbyn is one of the most gentle guys on earth. Here in this picture I see my baby that has lost all his fact he has a 'skinny little boy body'. His smile in this picture is infectious... the placement of his right hand I think makes him look older and I get a small glimpse of the man he will be.... he loves COLD water and was just thrilled this afternoon. (the picture was actually taken a couple weekends ago... but I'm holding on as long as I can... he and his sister had the best time. All he wants to do is race... and Myla, though she amuses him a little by running a good 5 ft behind him, could care less. She is quite something herself. )
While everyone else is getting ready for fall...
While everyone else is getting ready for fall...
While everyone else is getting ready for fall...
While everyone else is getting ready for fall...

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