Friday, October 9

Double whammy...

Poor Co'b... it all started yesterday when he got home from school. Something made him upset (something small) and the pitiful little thing just burst into tears. I went to calm him down and noticed that he was warm and he said he felt bad.

Fast forward to 3:45am, I woke up to the little guy in our bathroom (just peeing ;) I went to check on him and placed my hand on his shoulder and he was BURNING UP! I ran to get the thermometer and his temp was 103.2 !!!! We gave him Motrin and a bath. The fever broke.

Again... fast forward... 8:32am started calling doctors office... BUSY...BUSY... around 9:20am finally got through and waited a good 15mins on hold... and then was told that they were booked and the earliest would be 3:20pm. Fine.

3:20pm.... arrive... and by 4pm we were on our way to the pharmacy with a prescription for an antibiotic for the Strep throat and a prescription of Tamiflu for his flu.

That's right.... STREP THROAT AND THE FLU!!!! After a bit of running around to get both filled (Walgreen's didn't have the Tamiflu so I had to make a few calls and luckily Safeway saved the day and was able to fill it)... picked up more fever reducer... and a stop by Hi Health for more colloidal silver (that's for the rest of us)... and a few extras to make him feel loved.

Lysol has been sprayed pretty much every square footage of the house (thanks Mario), sheets washed, and I just couldn't stop... even the floor got scrubbed!!!

Say a prayer for the little guy, he looks and feels 'poor pitiful'!!!

He was to go in on Tuesday to finish up his dental work (we have waited a while for this appointment) and I am afraid that we will have to postpone the procedure until later. Oh well who cares, right?

take care.... I'm going to go and cuddle the sick patient.